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Games > MDG overview

MDGs (by katie): solitaire | Log in for 2-player version

MDGs: #1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger #2 Achieve universal primary education #3 Promote gender equality and empower women #4 Reduce child mortality #5 Improve maternal health #6 Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases #7 Ensure environmental sustainability #8 Develop a global partnership for development
Ages: 9-12 13-17
Keywords: MDG overview

DI facts (by uniek): solitaire | Log in for 2-player version

MDGs: #1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger #2 Achieve universal primary education #3 Promote gender equality and empower women #4 Reduce child mortality #5 Improve maternal health #6 Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases #7 Ensure environmental sustainability #8 Develop a global partnership for development
Ages: 9-12 13-17
Keywords: MDG overview

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