Change the World, One Game at a Time
Over one billion people on our planet live on less than dollar a day. More than 115 million children are denied the right to go to school. Each day, 30,000 children die from preventable diseases.
These facts are part of a growing collection of data gathered by governments and organizations worldwide. For over a decade, the DevInfo initiative has worked to bring these data to an ever broader audience. DevInfo GameWorks aims to dramatically expand the ways in which the global public, and young people in particular, can engage with this information through creating, sharing, and playing on-line games using these data.

Read about some young people who have put DIGW into action.
DevInfo GameWorks (DIGW) is based on a simple principle: you might learn something from playing a game, but you will definitely learn something from creating a game. By giving learners a platform for creating and sharing games along with free access to rich sets of data, DIGW puts learners in the position of game creators.
DIGW encourages users to create games drawing from DevInfo-supported databases that can be played online (competitively or as solitaire), or printed and played off-line. Game templates are based loosely on familiar games (for example, tic-tac-toe, familiar card games, well-known pencil-and-paper games, etc.), so they're not hard to learn!
DIGW is a 2009 winner of a MacArthur Foundation-funded Digital Media and Learning award, and part of the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory. It was originally conceived in partnership between DevInfo and University of Michigan - Flint Technology in Education Global Program students and faculty.
NOTE: This is a working prototype site -- many planned features are yet to be included. For more information and updates, see our , or contact us through the "feedback" link at right.